/ Services / Professional dental hygiene  

Professional dental hygiene  

Professional dental hygiene  

February 20, 2018
Professional dental hygiene  

Agree that with the modern rhythm of life, you do not always manage to fully monitor the health status. Fast snacks, unfavorable ecology of a megacity, water – a lot of negative factors attack the body daily, undermining its health, including the state of teeth.

Cleaning the teeth at home and rinsing the mouth cavity is only a necessary minimum, but with a single toothbrush, it is not always possible to completely remove food debris and dental plaque.

Dentists recommend professional dental cleaning in the doctor’s office at least twice a year, as well as before any dental treatment.

During the professional hygiene of the oral cavity and teeth, pigmented and non-pigmented dental plaque are being removed, as well as the removal of dental calculus. This procedure is painless and effective in several directions:

–  Excellent prevention and treatment of periodontal diseases (gingivitis, periodontitis, etc.);

– Prevention of the development of carious processes, that can be provoked by bacteria in dental plaque, especially dense;

– Elimination of dental plaque in most cases prevents the appearance of bad breath (halitosis);

– Returns to the teeth their natural color. In some patients, teeth become noticeably whiter after cleaning.

What does professional hygiene include?

Doctors of the dental clinic “NikaDent” use innovative development of German specialists, the “LUNOS” system, which allows the procedure to be carried out as painlessly and comfortably as possible for the patient, during professional hygiene of the oral cavity.

Depending on the complexity of the situation, it includes several stages:

  • removal of solid supragingival and subgingival dental plaque and calculus by a special, powerful ultrasonic scaler of the Italian manufacturer “Mectron” with LED backlighting;
  • removal of pigmented and non-pigmented microbial plaque with the MyFlow apparatus using a water jet and a special water-soluble powder;
  • polishing of teeth surfaces with the help of special brushes and pastes «Lunos»;
  • covering the exposed areas of the teeth with a “Lunos” mineralizing gel to relieve sensitivity;
  • covering the teeth with fluorine-varnish or special fluorine-containing gels to strengthen the enamel;
  • at the end, the doctor provides his recommendations for dental care in the future.

All these procedures are available for you in our clinic “Nikadent” in Kropyvnytskyi.

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