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We will take care of your teeth!
Dental treatment without pain!
We will make your smile shining!
Come and see for yourself!

European clinic in Kropiwnickiy

About us

Welcome to NikaDent

WELCOME TO NIKADENT It should be admitted that a snow-white and healthy smile – it is a standard for a person living in the 21st century. To look after the oral cavity in our days, does not make any hard work, the main goal is to find “your own” d...


POPULAR SERVICES in our clinic

  • Dentists-therapists always try first of all to save your own teeth! Most often, therapeutic dentistry includes the treatment of caries, pulpitis and periodontitis (parodontitis). With ...

  • Professional dental hygiene   Agree that with the modern rhythm of life, you do not always manage to fully monitor the health status. Fast snacks, unfavorable ...

  • Dental implantation in the 21st century. To date, dental implantation is one of the most popular and effective methods for restoring dentition. Want to know ...

  • Dental surgery in Kropyvnytskyi Surgical dentistry is designed not only to preserve but also to restore teeth. Today it is an independent clinical discipline in ...

  • Dental prosthetics in Kropyvnytskyi Modern dental medicine offers a wide choice for those who wish to restore the dentition or make it beautiful and attractive. ...

  • Proper hygiene is extremely important for the health of our teeth and mucous membranes. According to statistics, people older than 35 years lose more teeth ...

  • Implant Prosthetics or All-On-6  is a procedure of permanent dentures that allows you to completely rehabilitate the dentition. The result is a complete set of ...

  • Veneers, manufacture, and installation at the NikaDent dental clinic in Kropyvnytskyi. The term “Hollywood smile” refers to beautiful snow-white teeth without defects. But not everyone ...


Latest articles in NikaDent

Отбеливание зубов
Teeth whitening with Beyond Polus Advanc...
September 27, 2024
Beyond Polus Advanced is a system for professional teeth whitening, one of the best systems available today. The Beyond Polus ...
Причины и лечение пародонтита
Causes and treatment of periodontitis
June 21, 2019
Causes and treatment of periodontitis Periodontitis is an inflammation of the tooth support. Such dental disease occurs frequently. It is ...
Плазмолифтинг десен
Gum plasmolifting – innovation in ...
June 20, 2019
Gum plasmolifting – innovation in the field of dentistry Attractive smile it is healthy gums and strong, snow-white teeth. Not ...

That's what our customers are telling us about


Dental Clinic “NikaDent”

Dental Clinic “NikaDent” offers quality treatment and dentures for the whole family. Cozy offices are equipped with high-precision medical and diagnostic equipment, which allows you to eliminate painlessly even the most complex problems of the oral cavity.

The range of our services includes the following areas:

  • Therapy: treatment of caries, cysts and inflammatory diseases, canal cleaning.
  • Hygienic cleaning: whitening, removing caries, tartar and plaque.
  • Prosthetics: dental restoration, dental build-up of bone, prosthesis on ceramics and cermets.
  • Surgery: removal of teeth and fragments, filling and depulpation of canals, removal of cysts, sanitation of foci of inflammation, maxillary surgery, correction of soft tissues, treatment of periodontitis.
  • Implantation: transosseous, basal, mucous, endodotno-endossal, endossal.
  • Periodontal therapy with the Vector apparatus, as well as plasmolifting of the gums.
  • Orthodontics: Install bracket systems and leveling plates.

Detailed information on each of the areas is presented in the “Services” section.

At the initial examination, patients are prescribed a preliminary diagnosis. Based on its results, the dentist draws up an individual treatment plan and consults with the client. The main task of a specialist is to fully restore the health of the oral cavity with minimal intervention.


Dentistry “NikaDent”

“NikaDent” is proud of its reputation, therefore, only highly qualified professionals with work experience are members of our team. You can get acquainted with the portfolio of staff in the section “Our doctors“.

The advantages of the “NikaDent” clinic:

  • Modern and safe equipment;
  • Licensed supplies;
  • Qualified personnel with at least 5 years of experience;
  • Quality assurance for the services provided;
  • Promotions and loyalty programs for regular customers of dentistry.

To make an appointment, leave a request for a call back on the site. The manager of “NikaDent” will provide all the necessary information, as well as help you choose a convenient time for an initial examination. The schedule, address and telephone numbers of the clinic are listed in the “Contacts” section.

Form for consultation
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To write to a dentist, fill out the form

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