/ Services / Surgery



February 18, 2018

Dental surgery in Kropyvnytskyi

Surgical dentistry is designed not only to preserve but also to restore teeth.

Today it is an independent clinical discipline in modern dentistry, because the tasks it solves are so vast, that they require a narrow training of specialists. Although often for the quality preservation and restoration of the dentition requires the joint work of a dental surgeon with other specialists – orthopedic and therapist. Forced removal of the tooth can be called only a stage on the path of dental treatment, for example, when correcting an incorrect bite or for eliminating the trauma from the wisdom tooth to the surrounding mucosa.

In the dental clinic NikaDent, all operative manipulations are carried out painlessly, using modern types of anesthesia.

The function of surgical dentistry, today includes:

  • removal of teeth (including the most difficult – wisdom teeth);
  • removal of uncut teeth;
  • surgical operations aimed at preserving the teeth, including removal of the tooth root, resection of the apex of the root, and removal of part of the multi-root tooth;
  • sanitation of inflammatory nidus;
  • jaw operations and operations on soft tissues (gingival mucosa);
  • correction of soft tissues, aimed at restoring the natural proportion of teeth and gums;
  • operations to create a “place” for proper implant placement (sinus lifting, bone volume build-up, alveolar extension, and expansion);
  • treatment of periodontal disease;
  • installation of dental implants.

Basically, surgical dentistry is a complex of therapeutic measures, that are performed in strict sequence using methods not only of surgical but of therapeutic and orthopedic dentistry.

Dental surgery Kropyvnytskyi: bone augmentation for implants
With advances in modern dentistry, it is unthinkable that many people can live their entire lives without ever needing to have a wisdom tooth removed, augmented, or “crowned”. However, even with the best oral hygiene and regular dental visits, at some point in your life, the dental bone may need to be augmented, especially if the tooth has been damaged by a fracture, or your teeth may be damaged due to caries, or possibly, existing dental implants just started to wear out – regardless of the reason, you need dental surgery (Kropyvnytskyi).

If there is not enough tooth to support a “crown”, which is essentially a kind of “cap” for the damaged tooth, a core augmentation may be required, and you may be interested in learning about this process. Bone augmentation for implants is a reconstructive procedure in which the missing part of the tooth is repaired with dental filling material to support the restoration of the “crown”.

What are the indications for dental bone augmentation?
When your tooth is badly broken or missing a large part as a result of a painful process, an artificial dental crown may be prescribed to restore the function and appearance of the tooth. However, the remainder of the tooth may be so small that it is not enough to support the dental crown.

A certain amount of tooth support must be present in order to support the crown so that it can successfully perform its function over the long term. Without going into details of the technical aspects, it should be noted that the remaining tooth must have a certain height, surface area, and taper in order to successfully hold the dental crown. Otherwise, pain-free tooth extraction may be offered, followed by full implantation in its place.

When a large number of teeth are missing, we usually restore them with a filling material called a build-up. The purpose of the augmentation is to replace the missing tooth structure, create the optimal geometry for crown restoration and protect the integrity of the tooth.

How is Build-Up done?
Most often, core accumulation is done directly in the mouth from tooth-colored polymeric materials called dental composites. The tooth surface is usually prepared for maximum adhesion of the filling to the tooth using phosphoric acid etching and specially formulated dental adhesives. If the cavity extends close to the nerve tissue located inside the root canal space of the tooth, the dentist may also place a special calcium preparation to protect the tooth nerve. When the volume of the missing tooth structure is very large and there is not enough tooth material to support the filling, the dentist can also insert setscrews into the tooth, which helps to preserve the composite filling.

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