/ Services / Periodontics


Пародонтальная терапия аппаратом Vektor


February 10, 2018

Proper hygiene is extremely important for the health of our teeth and mucous membranes. According to statistics, people older than 35 years lose more teeth due to gum disease than through caries. Periodontal disease or gum disease – meaning in fact a much wider range of diseases, including. gingivitis and periodontitis. Three-quarters of the adult population of the world is affected by it at some point in their lives. The most effective and simple way to prevent periodontal diseases is prevention, proper personal hygiene, and regular professional hygiene.

Periodontal therapy with “Vestor” device (Vector)

Using of Vector therapy in the complex treatment of periodontal diseases.

Often gum disease is gingivitis, periodontitis, periodontosis. Gingivitis is an inflammatory process in the tissues of the gingival margin, in which only the surface tissues of the gum are affected – it is the initial stage of periodontitis.

Diseases of the gums are caused by the negative effects of bacteria that accumulate on the teeth, forming a plaque that eventually hardens – forming dental tartar.

If periodontal disease is not treated, a periodontal pocket is formed between the tooth surface and the swollen gum margin, against the background of sluggish chronic inflammation and plaque hardening. The space that gradually deepens accumulates pathological content, provoking periodontal disease – the destruction of the bone surrounding the tooth root. Over time, the loosening of teeth leads to tooth loss, and the treatment of periodontal disease becomes a long and difficult process.

Proper treatment of the gums should begin with a careful examination of the oral cavity and the body as a whole because the development of this disease affects both the general (general condition of the body) and the local (bad oral hygiene, the seal, the crown, the insert, pathology of occlusion, etc.) factors. And as a consequence – periodontitis can be generalized (in the field of all teeth) and local (in the field of one or several teeth).

To see the degree of bone resorption, the depth of the pathological pocket, and the degree of prevalence of the process, you need an overview picture-orthopantomogram.

As an effective method for the comprehensive treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis, NikaDent Clinic dentists recommend atraumatic ultrasound technology “Vector Paro”. This method developed by German specialists involves deep cleaning of gingival pockets.

Pathological biofilm is removed using an ultrasound handpiece and a set of unique tips of the apparatus “Vector”, while the root of the tooth is not injured. After cleaning periodontal pockets the connections between dental roots and supporting tissues are restored and teeth are strengthened in the wells. Thanks to the effects of Vector therapy, swelling and bleeding of the gums is reduced.

Not only can the ultrasound device be used to successfully treat periodontitis and prevent periodontal disease, but also to clean implants for peri-implantitis.

As the prevention of periodontal diseases, Plasmolifting of the gums is also effective. As a rule, the effect is noticeable even after the first procedure.

Plasmolifting in dentistry is a unique injection method aimed at regenerating processes in tissues. The procedure is used to treat gum disease. The main tasks of the method are to remove inflammation, to start the process of restoring the shape, color, and structure of the gums, to prevent the depletion of bone tissue.

In what cases is plasma-lifting required?

Dentists at the NikaDent clinic perform gum Plasmolifting for the treatment of the following diseases:

  • gingivitis;
  • alveolitis;
  • peri-implantitis;
  • generalized periodontitis;
  • localized periodontitis;
  • prevention of periodontal disease.

How is gum Plasmolifting?

For the procedure, the patient takes a small amount of blood (about 9 ml). Plasma is extracted from the blood by treatment in a special centrifuge. This plasma concentrate is rich in platelets, and also contains proteins responsible for the growth factor. Proteins are involved in tissue repair, and also attract stem cells and stimulate their division.

The plasma is injected into the damaged areas of the gums, the area of the sine-lifting, the location of the implant, the socket of the removed tooth, into the maxillofacial regions of the soft tissues, into the region of the established membrane or osteosynthesis. As a result, the regeneration process is started, the metabolism is accelerated, the bone tissue is strengthened, local immunity is activated.

The procedure of Plasmolifting the gum is completely safe, as the patient is injected with his own plasma, which excludes allergic reactions and rejection.

The effect of Plasmolifting

Thanks to the procedure of Plasmolifting:

  • pain is relieved;
  • bleeding and odor from the mouth are eliminated;
  • acceleration of the healing of the holes of the removed teeth;
  • improves implant engraftment and reduces the risk of their rejection.
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