/ Services / Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening

Teeth whitening

October 11, 2015

Quality teeth whitening in Kropivnitskiy.

We offer an effective way to whiten your teeth, but before you do, you need to prepare for whitening:

  • Have an initial dental exam to help determine the condition of your teeth;
  • treat tooth decay (if necessary);
  • hygienic cleaning. To perform effective teeth whitening, you must first remove plaque and tartar.

Teeth whitening is an aesthetic procedure that will give you a whiter smile quickly and painlessly.

In our NikaDent clinic, you can choose your desired shade and undergo the enamel lightening procedure as safely as possible. Whitening your teeth at a favorable price has never been easier.

The procedure is performed by dentist in Kropivnitsky, who assesses the condition of your teeth, may recommend additional professional hygiene to realize the desired effect.

Beyond whitening system at a favorable price will give you a whiter smile. In just 1 visit, your teeth will become 5-10 shades lighter.

The most important thing is the desired result immediately after the procedure, which lasts from 6 months.
And if you follow the advice of our dentist, you will keep the effect for 1-2 years.

Our professional dentist will help you choose the desired shade and provide you with a list of recommendations on how to care for your teeth.
The Beyond whitening system gives you:

  • significant effect immediately after the procedure;
  • it’s safe, comfortable and painless;
  • does not damage dental tissues and gums;
  • preserves the result for a long time;
  • safe for hypersensitive teeth;
  • at a price everyone can afford.

The result of professional teeth whitening can last from 6 months and longer, provided you take proper care of your teeth and follow all the recommendations of our dentist.

Do you dream of whiter teeth? Then we are waiting for you in NikaDent clinic in Kropivnitsky. Our specialists will carry out the procedure of teeth whitening at a professional level.

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