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Teeth whitening with Beyond Polus Advanced system

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Teeth whitening with Beyond Polus Advanced system

September 27, 2024

Beyond Polus Advanced is a system for professional teeth whitening, one of the best systems available today.

The Beyond Polus teeth whitening system is the only device that whitens teeth well and efficiently. Recently, teeth whitening systems using this device have become one of the most advanced in the world. And the brand BEYOND is the only world leader in the development of various products for dentistry.

Specially designed halogen lamp with a power of 150 W transmits intense blue light through optical lenses and 12 000 optical fibers, while eliminating harmful ultraviolet and infrared radiation, which allows you to whiten your teeth safely and qualitatively, reducing the duration of the procedure to 30 minutes.

In recent years, light-based teeth whitening has become a standard dental procedure. The advantages of photo teeth whitening over other technologies such as laser whitening or customized whitening mouth guards include excellent results in minimal procedure time and lower cost of supplies for the dentist.

The benefits of using the Beyond system:

  • Quick results

One of the main advantages of the Beyond system is the speed of results. Usually, the effect is noticeable after the first session, which makes the procedure attractive for those who want to quickly restore the whiteness of their teeth.

  • Long-term effect

The Beyond system provides long-lasting results. If the dentist’s recommendations are followed, whitening can last from several months to several years.

  • Minimum sensitivity

The advanced technology and components used in the Beyond system help minimize discomfort and tooth sensitivity during and after the procedure.

  • Increased safety

The procedure is performed by qualified dentists using professional equipment, minimizing risks and side effects.

  • Aesthetic effect

Teeth whitening gives your smile an attractive appearance, which can boost your self-confidence and improve your overall quality of life.

Minuses of teeth whitening with the Beyond system:

  • Cost

Professional teeth whitening with the Beyond system can be quite expensive. Prices vary by region and clinic, but in general it is not an inexpensive procedure.

  • Possible side effects

Although the Beyond system minimizes sensitivity, some patients may still experience discomfort after the procedure, including temporary tingling or hypersensitivity to hot or cold.

  • Restrictions on indications

Teeth whitening is not suitable for all patients. There are contraindications, such as pregnancy, gum or dental disease, and allergies to whitening gel ingredients.

  • Need for repeated procedures

It may take several sessions to achieve the ideal result. This requires time and additional costs, which may not always be convenient for patients.

  • The effect doesn’t last forever

While Beyond teeth whitening provides long-lasting results, it is not permanent. Over time, your teeth may darken again and require a second treatment.

The Beyond teeth whitening system is a modern and effective method that can quickly and safely restore the whiteness of your teeth. Despite some disadvantages, such as high cost and possible side effects, many patients choose this system because of its effectiveness and minimal discomfort.

Before deciding to undergo the procedure, it is important to consult with a qualified dentist who can help you evaluate all the risks and benefits. A smile is something worth investing in, and the Beyond system can be a great solution for those who dream of a whiter smile.

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