/ Services / Veneers


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January 1, 2018

Veneers, manufacture, and installation at the NikaDent dental clinic in Kropyvnytskyi.

The term “Hollywood smile” refers to beautiful snow-white teeth without defects. But not everyone can show such a smile. Veneers were invented specifically in Hollywood for filming movies – thin translucent plates made of porcelain or ceramics that can mask any defects in the smile area.

When veneers are essential:

  • Yellow shade of enamel (smoker’s coating). In this case, either whitening or veneers will help.
  • Cracks and chips on the tooth surface (congenital or obtained as a result of injury).
  • Stains and darkening on enamel.
  • Gaps and spaces between teeth.
  • Curved tooth shape.
  • Lateral teeth are similar in shape to knife blades.
  • Progressive abrasion of teeth.


There are composite and ceramic veneers, which directly differ from each other in terms of performance and durability. Composite veneers are made directly in the dentist’s chair during the reception of the patient. The thickness of this veneer is 0.6 mm.

Ceramic ones are custom made in the dental laboratory and they have several advantages:

  • Keep their original color throughout the entire lifetime. Do not stain from juice, wine, coffee, and other coloring drinks.
  • They have a beautiful glossy shine, as in magazines. Ceramic veneers are almost mirrored.
  • Long service life – 10-15 years. Composite will last 4-7 years.
  • Their physical properties are close to those of dentin and enamel, which ensures perfect biological compatibility with the human body.

Before installing the veneers, you need to sharpen your teeth a little so that the volume of the smile looks natural. This is a gentle procedure that often scares patients. The myth that the teeth after grinding will deteriorate is just a myth, since a small layer of enamel is removed, it looks like micro scratches on the teeth.

But, nevertheless, many people are afraid to grind their teeth, and that is why the dental laboratory came up with a modern alternative – ultrathin ceramic veneers. The cost of such plates is slightly higher than the classic ones, but quite deservedly.

Advantages of Lumineers:

  • Enamel grinding is not required for the lining; they simply stick to the tooth;
  • improved aesthetics in the style of a Hollywood smile;
  • you can remove the plates at any time without damaging the tooth tissue;
  • the thickness is only 0.2 mm, but the veneer is 0.6 mm;
  • lifetime is more than that of veneers – 15-20 years, veneers serve – 10-15 years.

The benefits are certainly significant, yes, these plates are translucent, give a smile a glossy shine, but they cannot fix serious defects (for example, eliminate yellowness or stains on enamel). In case of serious defects, however, veneers should be considered.

The installation of veneers in the NikaDent clinic takes place in three visits.

First visit – diagnostics

The doctor will examine the condition of the jaw joints, examine the features of the smile and the location of the teeth. He will tell you which veneers will help to correct defects in the smile area. Will make a calculation and draw up a treatment plan.

If everything suits you, select several veneer colors using the table. Then the doctor makes an imprint of the jaw. He then orders test samples of veneers from a dental laboratory.

Second visit – model selection

A doctor presents models of wax veneers. You try them on, see if they fit in shape. Choose the most suitable option for aesthetics and functionality.

Third visit – veneer installation

Before placing veneers on the front teeth, the doctor processes the tooth – frees up space for the plates. But if you install Lumineers, processing is not needed.

Then the doctor fixes the veneers with special cement. Tests for strength and removes excess mixture. It is very important to make sure that the pads do not interfere with other teeth.

Veneer Care

Veneers do not require special care. Just brush your teeth with paste 2 times a day and that’s it. And of course, do not forget to visit your dentist once every half a year for an examination and professional brushing. That’s all the tricks.

Give yourself the smile of your dreams. Specialists of the NikaDent clinic in Kropyvnytskyi will help you with this.

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